Heat Rate Improvement in Utility Power Plants through Steam Turbine Performance Optimization


N. Rajkumar


This paper describes the performance enhancement of steam turbines. Various energy conservation measures, such as steam path audit, vacuum improvement in condenser, turbine retrofi ts, feed heater performance improvement, etc. are discussed. Study results show that the improvement in operating turbine effi ciency will lead to a quantum improvement in unit heat rate from 25 kcal/kWh to 225 kcal/ kWh.


How to Cite
Rajkumar, N. (2012). Heat Rate Improvement in Utility Power Plants through Steam Turbine Performance Optimization. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 73–76. Retrieved from https://node6473.myfcloud.com/~geosocin/CPRI/index.php/pr/article/view/663


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