Operational Optimization of Boilers in Coal-Fired Base Load Thermal Power Plants


N. Rajkumar


This paper describes the performance analysis of steam generators. Various energy conservation measures such as operating excess air level control and insulation condition and its impact on overall heat rate of a thermal power station are discussed. Study results show that the change in operating oxygen level in fl ue gas can give benefi t in unit heat rate to the tune of 10–40 kcal/kWh in 210 MW units and 10–50 kcal/kWh in 500 MW units. Reduction in the boiler skin temperature from 30°C to 10°C above the ambient dry bulb temperature will result in improvement in unit heat rate by 60 kcal/ kWh in 210 MW units and 80 kcal/kWh in 500 MW units.


How to Cite
Rajkumar, N. (2012). Operational Optimization of Boilers in Coal-Fired Base Load Thermal Power Plants. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 67–72. Retrieved from https://node6473.myfcloud.com/~geosocin/CPRI/index.php/pr/article/view/662


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