Optimal Single Point Injection of PV based DG Maximizing Technical, Social and Environmental Benefits in Radial Distribution Systems using JAYA Algorithm


Anirban Chowdhury
Ranjit Roy
Kamal Krishna Mandal


Power crisis is becoming a major challenge in modern day world due to ever increasing load demand leading to fast depletion of energy resources. As the number of loads connected to the distribution network increase, maintaining the voltage profile of the distribution network is becoming increasingly difficult for the network operator. The pollutants from a fossil fuel based power plant have adverse effects on the environment. This paper presents a comprehensive study on the technical, economic and environmental impacts on single point optimal allocation of DG on a radial distribution network. The test systems considered are standard IEEE 33 bus, 69 bus and 85 bus test systems.


How to Cite
Chowdhury, A., Roy, R., & Mandal, K. K. (2019). Optimal Single Point Injection of PV based DG Maximizing Technical, Social and Environmental Benefits in Radial Distribution Systems using JAYA Algorithm. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 39–45. https://doi.org/10.33686/pwj.v15i1.144728


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