Simulation and implementation of phase shifted series resonant converter


S. Jayandiran
R. Karpagam
P. Elanchezhian


This paper deals with digital simulation of phase shifted series resonant DC to DC converter using Matlab Simulink>sup/sup<. The simulink models for open loop and closed loop systems are developed and they are used for simulation studies. Normally single voltage feedback is required for the system. This system consists of two control loops with one inner resonant vector and one outer voltage loop. The dynamic response improved by this dual loop method. This converter is capable of producing ripple free DC output. Switching losses and switching stresses are reduced by using soft switching. This converter has advantages like high power density and low switching losses. Theoretical predictions are well supported by the simulation results.


How to Cite
Jayandiran, S., Karpagam, R., & Elanchezhian, P. (2016). Simulation and implementation of phase shifted series resonant converter. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 12(3), 505–510. Retrieved from


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