The Phenomenon of Internal Arcing in F-Gas Free (Clean Air) GIS


Bindiya Chavan
B. R. Srinath


Investigating the intricacies of internal arcs is essential for the effective design and maintenance of highly reliable Gas- Insulated Switchgear (GIS). This paper provides a concise overview of internal arc physics, the test setup and the outcomes of tests conducted with clean air. Additionally, it delves into the evaluation of arcing in alternative F-gases as insulating media, presenting a comprehensive perspective along with Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF)6. The consequences of internal arc in clean air GIS are more and nonhazardous compared to SF6 and other F-gases, thus leading to a remarkable reduction of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) considerations.


How to Cite
Chavan, B. ., & Srinath, B. R. (2024). The Phenomenon of Internal Arcing in F-Gas Free (Clean Air) GIS. Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, 20(1), 107–111.


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